-Why is gut health important?
Our gut is made up of a system of organs (stomach, pancreas, liver) and it is responsible for keeping our bodies running smoothly. The community of bacteria in our gut, or otherwise called microbiome, aids in digestion by breaking down food, extracting the energy from food, and absorbing the nutrients from food. There are trillions of bacteria in your gut that make up your gut microbiome. This bacteria plays a HUGE part in your digestion and immunity.
The microbiome helps our gut to distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria. Good bacteria helps break down food, they add an extra layer of protection to the lining of the intestines, and 1000s of other functions. Bad bacteria comes from a bad diet, stress, lack of sleep, pollution, etc. Bad bacteria keeps your microbiome from functioning like it should. When there is more bad bacteria than good, that is when you experience gas, bloating, and untimely bathroom runs.
Maintaining the right balance of good bacteria to bad is vital to your mental health, physical health, and immunity. Here are some ways to promote healthy bacteria: maintain a healthy body weight; add dietary fiber, complex carbs, and plant protein into your diet; add probiotics; reduce sugar; and increase fruits and vegetables.
-How do probiotics contribute to gut health?
Probiotics are the good bacteria that our bodies need to support immunity and healthy digestion. They can come from food or from supplements added into our diets. Probiotics support immunity. Probiotics support healthy digestion. Probiotics help keep our digestive system in balance
-Why "Balance Within Probiotic"?
This probiotic is a once a day foundational supplement that fills nutritional gaps in your diet with the probiotics you need to help support gut health. Different probiotics deliver different results and having the right amount of the right strain of bacteria is important for your digestive system's balance. The "Balance Within Probiotic" contains 6.3 billion CFU ( number of live and active micro-organisims that can be found in each serving of the probiotic you are taking) of clinically tested beneficial bacteria. Other probiotics may have more but the focus here is on quality, not quantity. This probiotic also delivers the right strains to right place to help with our digestive flora ( which helps us digest and absorb the food we eat). The naturally strong strains resist the harsh conditions in our stomach and make it to our gut so they're ready to work. The strains selected to be put in this probiotic have the ability stick to the intestine walls to promote a balance of good bacteria.
Another important thing to know is that 70% of your immunity is found in your gut. By using a probiotic, you are boosting the strength of your immune system by a lot!
It is an easy on-the-go stick of powder that can simple be put on your tongue, in a drink, or sprinkling on your food.
Recommended daily fiber intake for adult men 30β38 grams. Recommended daily fiber intake for adult women 21β25 grams per day,
Current total fiber intake among U.S. adults averages about 15 grams per day, that is far below the recommended intake!
I use this
probiotic once a day and mix it into a smoothie or into my water or whatever other drink I might have ππ§